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58 år som bedrift

Elkem is one of the world’s leading companies for environmentally responsible production of materials. Its principal products are silicon, silicones, ferrosilicon, foundry alloys, carbon materials and microsilica. Elkem has four business areas and about 6100 employees.

Gunnar Scheldrups veg 1, 6723 Svelgen

Flyfoto: Kart: Gunnar Scheldrups veg 1, 6723 Svelgen


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  • 57796100
  • 577 96 100
  • 57 79 61 00
  • 5779 6100
  • +4757796100
  • +47 57 79 61 00
  • +47 577 96 100
  • +47 5779 6100