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Bergshav Management Co AS

Hasseldalen 2, 4878 Grimstad

Postboks 8, 4891 Grimstad

E-post post@bergshav.no

Bergshav is a family owned business in southern Norway, building value on maritime heritage and experience. Since 1772, shipping has been the core business of Bergshav. In addition, we manage a portfolio of financial assets with a conservative, long-term profile. We are also invested in a portfolio of high-quality properties throughout Norway.

Hasseldalen 2, 4878 Grimstad

Flyfoto: Kart: Hasseldalen 2, 4878 Grimstad


Søkeord kan fra annonsøren inneholde bevisste skrivefeil og forskjellige skrivemåter for å sikre treff ved søk etter disse ordene.


  • 37256300
  • 372 56 300
  • 37 25 63 00
  • 3725 6300
  • +4737256300
  • +47 37 25 63 00
  • +47 372 56 300
  • +47 3725 6300