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Resultat - Konsulenter - Teknisk konsulentvirksomhet

**** OBS. Vi skal flytte til 2.etg.(ved hjørnet på Class Ohlson) på Strandtorget Kjøpe Senteret. I forbindelse med byggeperioden, må butikken dessverre holdes stengt. Vi holder stengt i perioden 10.Januar - 1.mars (Muligens helt til 5\10. Mars). Lillehammer Mobilreparasjon AS er en mobilfikser som holder til p... Les mer

The journey from our humble beginnings as a start-up in Molde, Norway, in 1998, to the company we are today, has been an exciting adventure. We have grown from being two passionate entrepreneurs, to become an international player with highly competent co-workers, sharing the same goal of achieving reliable, productive and safe installations for our customers all over the world.

NLI is a medium sized highly qualified supplier of engineering services towards industrial plants, oil & gas installations and infrastructure.

The journey from our humble beginnings as a start-up in Molde, Norway, in 1998, to the company we are today, has been an exciting adventure. We have grown from being two passionate entrepreneurs, to become an international player with highly competent co-workers, sharing the same goal of achieving reliable, productive and safe installations for our customers all over the world.

DMF er et forum i dagligvarehandelen for koordinering av felles overordnede utfordringer knyttet til bærekraft og redusert miljøbelastning. Vårt fokus er på: Logistikk, redusert utslipp fra transport, emballasje, lastbærere, verdikjedeoptimalisering, trygg mat, retur og gjennvinning av emballasje og materiale.

The journey from our humble beginnings as a start-up in Molde, Norway, in 1998, to the company we are today, has been an exciting adventure. We have grown from being two passionate entrepreneurs, to become an international player with highly competent co-workers, sharing the same goal of achieving reliable, productive and safe installations for our customers all over the world.

The journey from our humble beginnings as a start-up in Molde, Norway, in 1998, to the company we are today, has been an exciting adventure. We have grown from being two passionate entrepreneurs, to become an international player with highly competent co-workers, sharing the same goal of achieving reliable, productive and safe installations for our customers all over the world.

The journey from our humble beginnings as a start-up in Molde, Norway, in 1998, to the company we are today, has been an exciting adventure. We have grown from being two passionate entrepreneurs, to become an international player with highly competent co-workers, sharing the same goal of achieving reliable, productive and safe installations for our customers all over the world.

The journey from our humble beginnings as a start-up in Molde, Norway, in 1998, to the company we are today, has been an exciting adventure. We have grown from being two passionate entrepreneurs, to become an international player with highly competent co-workers, sharing the same goal of achieving reliable, productive and safe installations for our customers all over the world.

Blue Logic is run by entrepreneurs with long, extensive experience in subsea installation, operation, tooling and maintenance, for intervention and permanent installation. Our vision is a "One Subsea World". For us, that means: - Standardisation of interfaces - Harmonisation of requirements - Module-based thinking We are here to help you industrialise your subsea production systems. We are ready ... Les mer

Nordomatic exists to accelerate an open and sustainable future. We have more than 50 years of experience of integrating open BMS technology solutions into buildings. Right from its inception, Nordomatic has been a pioneering and innovative company.

MultiSolutions provides a world wide on- and offshore industry with the most efficient and environmentally friendly cleaning products and services.

In this rapidly evolving industry, the solution you are looking for may still need to be developed. As one of the leading drone operators, you can trust that we will provide you with the best solution for your need. We are experts in Maritime, Defence & Security, Offshore Energy and Railway drone services.

FiReCo AS is an independent and private engineering company, founded in 1991. Today FiReCo is a leader in composite design, regardless of application or field. Through exceptional experience from design, analysis, and production technology, FiReCo has acquired the necessary competence and skills to contribute in every market segment where load bearing structures in composites are in question.

Brannforebyggende AS er en leverandør av brannforebyggende arbeid og drives av Marius Frydenlund, vi har vårt kjerneområde på Østlandet. Vi har over 10 års erfaring med brannteknisk/brannforebyggende arbeid. Tillit og kvalitet er våre viktigste faktorer. Vårt mål er å øke brannsikkerheten hos våre kunder. Øker kunnskapen og det etableres gode rutiner og holdninger hos brukere og av bygget blir sj... Les mer

Vi tibyr analyse av privat og offentlig drikkevann, mat -og miljøanalyser, samt intene og eksterne kurs innen fagområder som IK-Mat, HACCP, vannhygiene og Legionellaproblematikk. Vi tilpasser våre tjenester til dine behov!

Skandinavisk Naturovervåking begynte i 2001 å utvikle undervannsvideo-systemer for overvåking under vann. Denne teknologien ble fra starten benyttet til totalovervåking av bestander av laks- sjøørret og -sjørøyebestander i elver, både i heldekkende tverrsnitt og i fisketrapper. Per i dag har vi overvåket i mer enn 200 elver totalt, over 20 år, hvor vi i enkelte elver har tidsserier like lenge. Vi... Les mer